J++ gave a number of workshops and talks at the nordic data journalism conference NODA 2018. Here are links to all the slides used:
- Hello Pandas, Good Bye Excel (workshop)
- Slides: jpp.to/nodapandas
- Introduction to QGIS (workshop)
- Slides: jpp.to/noda18qgis
- Scraping Facebook with your browser (workshop)
- Slides: jpp.to/nodascraping
- [Swedish] Att hitta och hämta myndigheters register (talk)
- Slides: jpp.to/noda18_foi
- The hard parts about automating journalism (talk)
- Slides: jpp.to/nodanewsworthy
Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3xX-A7ulaw&t=49m
Also, don't miss the list of all nominations for the NODA awards, full with inspiration!