
Build an editorial data team

Build an editorial data team

We have many years' experience in helping newsrooms building data journalism teams. Through a workshop series, where participants for on real cases we help reporters become confident in data driven research, while at the same time developing stories for publishing.


  • To inspire the whole newsroom to do datadriven journalism.
  • To build a small team of reporters who become confident in handling and interpreting data, using Excel as a journalistic tool
  • To have something that can be published at the end of the course.


Introduction to data journalism
A seminar on the best and the latest in datadriven journalism, open for averyone in the organisation.
Planning workshop
Together with those who will participate in upcoming workshops we single out feasible ideas to work on.
We meet with one or a couple of weeks' interval, 3&ndah;6 times, depending on the ambitions. The content of these workshops will made tailor made to suit the projects we are working on, but will inevitably include the Excel skills needed to find journalistic stories in a data set. We are available for online support between the classes

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