
The coronavirus crisis

The coronavirus crisis

2020 has been all about covid-19. Here's a collection of articles we have researched or written (all in Swedish):

Second wave could last until summer (Swedish)
Late 2020 Newsworthy analysed the difference between the first and second Covid 19 waves in Europe for Svenska Dagbladet.
A fraction of regions account for a majority of deaths
Some regions report up to three times as many deaths as usual since March, but a large part of Europe has been able to live through the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic without any significant excess death. Newsworthy gathered subnational data from 500 European regions to better understand the spread of the virus. (Svenska Dagbladet · YLE · Alternatives Economiques · OBCT · EDJNet · Voxeurop)
The effects of local restrictions
Clara Guibourg dove into Google mobility data, to see how well different local recommendations and restrictions worked. (Newsworthy)
Unemployment dashboard
A dashboard showing the latest unemployment developments since the Covid-19 outbreak, municipality by municipality. Updated monthly. (Dagens Samhälle)
Who can work from home? Huge regional differences
We categoried 429 occupations based on to what extent they can be done from home, and measured the share of workers in each municipality that can potentially work from home. The regional differences across Sweden are huge. (Dagens Samhälle)
Corona dashboard
Automatically updated charts on cases, deaths and people in intensive care by region, updated by scraping various official sources. (Dagens Samhälle)
Who can avoid the metro?
We analyzed the traffic decline in the Stockholm metro system, station by station, to visualize the divide between suburbs where most people can work from home, and those where few can avoid the metro. (Svenska Dagbladet)
Corona inforation impact
How well do municipalities actually manage to disseminate their covid-19 information? We measured how well corona related information from 290 municipality did on Facebook. Turns out a communication strategy for social media changes a lot. (Dagens Samhälle)
Region covid-19 reports
Newsworthy does regional reports on the situation in each region, every Monday through Friday. (Newsworthy)
How well do Swedes maintain social distancing when spring arrived?
Our take on the Google mobility data was to measure the local impact of warmer weather. (Västerbottenskuriren · Sydsvenskan/HD · Eskilstunakuriren)
  • November 2020
  • Tools: Python · Pandas · R · DataWrapper